Musk ketone smells like a sweet, powdery, and tenacious musk with a subtle animal note, reminiscent of floral and fruity nuances, but less floral than musk ambrette.
Luebke, William tgsc, (1986): Fatty musk soapy dry floral powdery
Fraterworks: Musk ketone is the true workhorse of the nitro musk family and, fortunately, is not prohibited from use, though some jurisdictions limit the total amount in a finished perfume to 1.4%. our musk ketone is tested to ensure it complies with the regulatory requirement that it contain < 0.1% musk xylene which can occur as a manufacturing byproduct.
Musk ketone is the softest of the nitro musk trilogy and next to musk xylene the one most closely resembling the scent of deer musk. it works beautifully when combined with muscone laevo, the chemical found in natural musk.
Musk ketone is a crystalline powder which you can add directly to your juice by weight as it will dissolve in the blend.
This musk has a powdery quality and is one of the longest lasting synthetic musks on the market. for that reason it is highly valued even in trace amounts. musk ketone featured heavily (often at very high doses) in most of the great fragrances of the past, from fougère royale (the first fragrance to contain synthetic ingredients in 1882 — formula below) to modern masterpieces such as frederic malle's musk ravageur (2000) and ambre sultan (1993) by serge lutens.