Red saffron infusion smells like a strong, fresh herbal saffron with a distinct saffron aroma.
PerfumersWorld: The finest red saffron extracted with dipropylene glycol to give a deep red infusion. it takes a full 30 strands (stigmas) from 10 crocus sativus flowers to make each gram of infusion!. the red infusion has a very rich oriental bouquet. it captures the full saffron character giving it a more classic appeal than saffron oil light, great for heavier classic orientals, arabic fragrances and narcotic heady florals, jasmine, tuberose, gardenia, mukulat. odour is herbal saffron fresh strong calyx, edible spicy-herbal-coumarin woody, honey, phenolic, medicinal, camphor, green-narcotic-floral, tobacco, hay, narcissus narcisse neroli violet :
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