Prune fleuressence smells like a sweet, heavy, and ripe blend of prune, fig, peach, and fruity notes with a touch of dairy
Mosciano, Gerard P&F 21, No. 2, 47, (1996): Fruity, peach, creamy and sweet with a fatty nuance
Luebke, William tgsc, (1997): Fresh oily waxy peach coconut buttery sweet
Moellhausen: Sweet, fruity, peach, cocoa
PerfumersWorld: Fatty creamy coconut buttery vanilla sweet sweet lactonic slightly fruity coconut peach fruity peach-like
Pell Wall Perfumes: Fruity-peach, creamy, sweet
Fruity-peach, creamy and extremely persistent. arctander tells us “it finds use in floral perfume compositions, particularly those of gardenia and other heavy floral type, and often in combination with considerable amounts of synthetic musks.”
IFF: Sweet, fruity, creamy, peach