Melafleur (iff) smells like a fresh, floral muguet.
Luebke, William tgsc, (1992): Floral clean muguet ozone marine sandy balsamic
IFF: A substantive floral muguet product having the odor of fresh outdoors with a green melony background
Pell Wall Perfumes: Fresh, floral- muguet, green-melon, ozonic
Very useful material for lily of the valley (muguet) fragrances but also great for adding a fresh-air feel to almost any fragrance type. particularly good in combination with precyclemone b. description from iff: “a substantive floral muguet product having the odor of fresh outdoors with a green melony background.”
IFF: Ozone (fresh air/marine), fruity, woody, herbal
Fresh, clean, ozone, marine complex with herbal aspects.
Taytonn ASCC: Fresh, fruity, herbal/ herbaceous, ozone/ozonic, woody