
Marine Decadienal


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Marine decadienal has no known smell.

Odor Type:
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TGSC Descriptions

Luebke, William tgsc, (1989): Citrus aldehydic marine floral ozone

Other Descriptions


IFF: Intense aldehydic note with marine floral and citrus moleties. very diffusive

Taytonn ASCC: Aldehydic/ aldehyde, citrus, fresh

Pell Wall Perfumes: Fresh-citrus, aldehydic, ozonic, marine, floral. powerful and diffusive
Arcadi boix camps, writing in 1999 says that “floral super and geraldehyde … are extremely strong aldehydes and, as usual in chemicals with this structure, have strong citrussy floral notes that combine very well with other aldehydes, especially aliphatic, but also with products such as 4-decenal. i personally love these products and use them in small traces in all kinds of fragrances because they increase the power, radiance and elegance of them.” he goes on to assert that they are “far better than the aliphatic aldehydes” but also that those aldehydes are improved by blending with products such as floral super and geraldehyde.