Isoamyl phenyl acetate smells like a sweet, fruity floral with hints of cinnamon and spice.
Mosciano, Gerard P&F 25, No. 4, 71, (2000): Sweet, honey, chocolate with a rosy floral nuance
Luebke, William tgsc, (1985): Sweet honey cocoa balsam chocolate castoreum animal
Moellhausen: Sweet balsamic, fruity note
Pell Wall Perfumes: Balsamic, chocolate, floral-rose, honey, musk, animal. persistent
Arctander describes it as having a: "sweet and very tenacious, musky-animal odor with a fruity-balsamic undertone reminiscent of (fresh) cocoa beans." he goes on to tell use that it is "used in carnation and other perfume compositions for its sweetness, fruity, almost rosy notes, delicate floralness and good performance in talcum and other functional products."