Freskomentheâ® (givaudan) smells like a fresh, minty peppermint with a slightly sweet, floral undertone.
Mosciano, Gerard P&F 17, No. 4, 33, (1992): Cooling, minty, mentholic, spearmint-like, with a camphoraceous undernote
Luebke, William tgsc, (1988): Fresh mint peppermint woody camphor
Givaudan: Fresh, cool mint, agrestic, woody aspect
Freskomenthe adds an element of freshness to a wide range of accords,including lavender, citrus, aromatic, geranium and green notes. it contributes a unique cooling effect in powder detergent, without becoming overly minty. freskomenthe can be used to modify a typical mint character and suggest peppermint in a blend containing none of the natural mint. very stable in all applications, including bleach.
Moellhausen: Dusty, herbal, woody, camphoraceous, minty