Bergamot mint smells like a sweet and fresh blend of clary sage, lavender, and bergamot.
Luebke, William tgsc, (1989): Sweet fresh clary lavender bergamot
Pell Wall Perfumes: Fresh, fruity-bergamot, sweet, herbaceous, clary sage
Arctander describes it like this: “mentha citrata oil is a pale yellow or pale olive colored to almost water-white liquid of a sweet-herbaceous, somewhat fruity-fresh odor type; it resembles bergamot, but is distinctly more harsh in its terpenic topnotes, less rich in body, and without the oily-sweet, candy-like undertone of good bergamot oils. on the other hand, mentha citrata, oil presents a certain bergamot note without the citrus notes. this makes the oil more interesting in the lavender-fougere field. its dryout has some resemblance to sage clary, but lacks the richness of that oil.”