Rum rum rum. A unique note in that it is not just boozy, but can also be fruity and reminiscent of raisins and dates. Also, it is on the sweeter side as it is made using molasses. So this was an interesting one to concoct. The boozy part was easy to get in this instance as there are only a few materials you really need to make something “boozy”. But getting the other aspects was the challenge. Vanilla absolute and Balsam of Peru give it the smoothness. Tuberose absolute and Hedione do well to soften up the accord and not make it super harsh to the nose while not impacting the accord greatly with their respective odors. Bay Leaf, Patchouli, and clove give it that real and spiced feel with an earthy touch. Habanolide, being a musk, just does well to round it all out and make it a cohesive smell. Probably the toughest part was working with the sweet aspect. It is easy to overdue it when it comes to sweet smells. But it is an integral part of the accord. Ethyl Maltol was used to give it that sugar, candy punch. Methyl 5 Furfural was used to give it almost an ambery sweetness. And Homofuraneol was used to bridge the 2 together. All together, this is a well thought out accord with many characteristics and can be tweaked in many ways to cater to your needs.
What’s your favorite Rum based fragrances?